Enjoy this recap video of our Los Angeles and Oakland Tour World Premiere play, THE JOY RIDE
Written and Directed by Jesse Bliss
Starring (in alphabetical order):
Darian Dauchan
Reginald P. Louis
Marlene Luna Castañeda
Ashlee Olivia
Produced by:
Jesse Bliss, Executive Producer
Roger Q. Mason
Gabriela López de Dennis
Jennifer Andrea (yAyA) Porras, Bay Area
Francisco "Franky" Carrillo
"A true spirit for using the arts, theater, writing, and more as healing and transformative for community."
–Luis Rodriguez
"The Roots and Wings Project is dedicated to interdisciplinary storytelling that uplifts the voices of marginalized women and their unique struggles for justice and varieties of enduring grace."
"A true spirit for using the arts, theater, writing, and more as healing and transformative for community."
–Luis Rodriguez
The Roots and Wings Project is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
through the Department of Arts and Culture.
"She's Wide Awake Shining Light"
An immersive theatrical tour of historic core #DTLA
centered on women’s survival and pursuit of justice.
A sharing of new works-in-progress by powerful writers...
Unstoppable and in Solidarity.